Tuesday, June 14, 2011

My new foster sisfur

Dis is foster sisfur Heidi. Her name used to be Abby but there iz already an Abby on our rescue group and Ma didn't want people to get confused and because she iz german shepherd mix Dad said it was good idea to give her a good german name. Dad has german ancestry and he has a cousin named Heidi :)
Heidi was with her past family for a very long time, she is 7 years old. But her family was struggling a lot with getting food for her and also did not know what they would be able to do care for her if she needed vet care so they asked our group for help and luckily there was space and Ma offered to foster her.

Heidi was confused the first weeks, she paced a lot back and forth, Ma slept on da futon to keep her company, of course I enjoyed dat too because she was out of the bedroom since we dogs are not allowed to sleep in there! ( I know! the horror!). Heidi is doing so much better and she iz getting a lot happier. Da picture is of her getting comfy in da bed of Ma and Dad, she iz not allowed up there but she is quick and sneaks in the room and once up there she gives Ma very sad looking eyes and Ma can't force her to get down.
She iz very well behaved and we iz getting along fine, I like having sisfurs!


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